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One month of unlimited yoga starts on your first visit. Enjoy access to our entire schedule.
$30/per month
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$80/per month

Begin a Journey To a Perfect Life

Follow Your Heart
Be yourself, follow your heart! In yogic sense, the phrase “be yourself – follow your heart” has a deeper meaning. It means aligning not only with the attributes of your personality but also aligning with your true nature.



With our private yoga lessons, you’ll zero in on your goals and get personalized instruction based on your body type, health and lifestyle.


What People Say

Prvé hodiny jogy, pár rôčkov dozadu, boli o tom, že potrebujem niečo so sebou robiť a joga je dobrá aj na chrbticu….postupne som zistila, že hodiny nám dávajú oveľa viac ako som očakávala. Celý týždeň sa teším na „svoju hodinu“, najradšej mám tie v prírode.

Tento štýl jogy je veľmi pokojný, estetický, motivujúci-zdokonaľujeme sa krôčik po krôčiku a vďaka charizmatickej učiteľke Simonke, načerpávame veľa pozitívnej energie a dobrej nálady.  A.P.

Andy P.

Andy P.

Velmi rada cvicim jogu, posuva ma vpred, harmonizuje telo spolu s dusou. Pri cviceni si uvedomujem “bytie” a “žitie”. Vyskusala som viacere typy(smery) jogy. Na joge u Simony sa mi velmi paci jej pristup, sposob odovzdavania skusenosti, ako pochopit, uchopit a vedome precitit jednotlive asany.

Andrejka S.

Andrejka S.
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A great app for beginners, app gives users short sessions that they can fit in anywhere, anytime. Each pose includes an animated illustration plus instructions to make sure you’re training safely. They are perfect for when you feel crunched for time respectively.